** I received a copy from the publisher for an honest review**
Make no mistake, Tristis Manor will rip your heart out and hand it to you. I ached for Margaret and all she went through. Her mother was a mother in name only, she should have been her protector not one of her tormentors.
This one is heart-breaking, no, heart-rending. Definitely worth the read. Don't expect a light mystery or a n unbelievable, gory horror story. Nope, not this one. Her mom is a jealous, mean, abusive witch, and her father, who she adores, and he adores her also, works away, and is gone for extended time periods. Poor little sweetie goes through hell.
I found myself just wanting to gather her up in my arms and cry.
3 out of 5 books
On a side note, it has been sooooooo windy and I am soooooo sick of it. Lol It really seems to aggravate my lupus. :/ How do you turn off the wind?
** I was given a copy for an honest review**This is the first novel I have read by Deborah Crombie. I love the way she starts each chapter off with a tidbit about the Crystal Palace itself... There actually is a lot of information in the snippets.While I enjoyed the book, I didn't fall in love with it. I will read more by this author, maybe it was just me not being used to her style, I did enjoy the mystery, it just never really grabbed me.
Liked it, but not in love with it. 3 out of 5 books.
Holy Moly!!!! I don't even know where to start! This book draws you in from page one. You will find yourself doing the things you need to get done with this book in your hand. The suspense never lets up. Sadie is in a bad marriage with her husband Phillip, (who is messing around on her, she is a recovering alcoholic, and her son, (Sam) won't speak. There has been a rash of kidnappings and Sam is next...
** Bonus - she wraps everything up nicely in this one. We find out why Sam doesn't speak.**
**I received a copy from the author for an honest review.**I didn't think it was possible, but I loved Hope more than I loved Power! And Power was amazing! Hope picks up where Power left off. Damien is...gone and Lillith is ruling. Boy is she one bad egg... Anyway, I am trying to do this review without spoilers, and it is really hard. Ally and David have a lot to deal with, and deal with it they do. Oh, there is so much I want to say, but I don't want to spoil it... Suffice it to say, READ THIS BOOK!!! It's fantastic!
I was really very pleasantly surprised with this book. It was not at all what I expected. It was a fun, light, quick read with quirky characters. I found when I reached the end, I wanted more. That's rare.If you are looking for something fast and light, this is the book for you.